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Version: 0.0.18


Input type: Sheet

Output type: Table


Interprets a Sheet as a Table. In case a header row is present in the sheet, its names can be matched with the provided column names. Otherwise, the provided column names are assigned in order.

Example 1

block CarsTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"name" oftype text,
"mpg" oftype decimal,
"cyl" oftype integer,

Interprets a Sheet about cars with a topmost header row and interprets it as a Table by assigning a primitive valuetype to each column. The column names are matched to the header, so the order of the type assignments does not matter.

Example 2

block CarsTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: false;
columns: [
"name" oftype text,
"mpg" oftype decimal,
"cyl" oftype integer,

Interprets a Sheet about cars without a topmost header row and interprets it as a Table by sequentially assigning a name and a primitive valuetype to each column of the sheet. Note that the order of columns matters here. The first column (column A) will be named "name", the second column (column B) will be named "mpg" etc.


Type boolean


Whether the first row should be interpreted as header row.

Example 1

header: true

The first row is interpreted as table header. The values in the header row will become the column names of the table.

Example 2

header: false

The first row is NOT interpreted as table header and columns of the sheet are directly mapped to table columns. The column names are taken form the provided names in the columns property.


Type Collection<ValuetypeAssignment>


Collection of valuetype assignments. Uses column names (potentially matched with the header or by sequence depending on the header property) to assign a primitive valuetype to each column.


Needs to be a collection of valuetype assignments. Each column needs to have a unique name.

Example 1

columns: [ "name" oftype text ]

There is one column with the header "name". All values in this colum are typed as text.