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Version: 0.0.18


// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

// Example 4: GTFS Static Data
// Learning goals:
// - Understand how to work with file systems

// 1. This Jayvee model describes a pipeline
// from a zip file in the GTFS format in the web
// to a joint SQLite file with multiple tables.
pipeline GtfsPipeline {

// 2. The origin for multiple pipe sequences is a zip
// file. Each csv file in this zip is further processed
// by its own sequence of blocks and pipes.
GTFSSampleFeedExtractor -> ZipArchiveInterpreter;

-> AgencyFilePicker
-> AgencyTextFileInterpreter
-> AgencyCSVInterpreter
-> AgencyTableInterpreter
-> AgencyLoader;

-> CalendarDatesFilePicker
-> CalendarDatesTextFileInterpreter
-> CalendarDatesCSVInterpreter
-> CalendarDatesTableInterpreter
-> CalendarDatesLoader;

-> CalendarFilePicker
-> CalendarTextFileInterpreter
-> CalendarCSVInterpreter
-> CalendarTableInterpreter
-> CalendarLoader;

-> FareAttributesFilePicker
-> FareAttributesTextFileInterpreter
-> FareAttributesCSVInterpreter
-> FareAttributesTableInterpreter
-> FareAttributesLoader;

-> FareRulesFilePicker
-> FareRulesTextFileInterpreter
-> FareRulesCSVInterpreter
-> FareRulesTableInterpreter
-> FareRulesLoader;

-> FrequenciesFilePicker
-> FrequenciesTextFileInterpreter
-> FrequenciesCSVInterpreter
-> FrequenciesTableInterpreter
-> FrequenciesLoader;

-> RoutesFilePicker
-> RoutesTextFileInterpreter
-> RoutesCSVInterpreter
-> RoutesTableInterpreter
-> RoutesLoader;

-> ShapesFilePicker
-> ShapesTextFileInterpreter
-> ShapesCSVInterpreter
-> ShapesTableInterpreter
-> ShapesLoader;

-> StopTimesFilePicker
-> StopTimesTextFileInterpreter
-> StopTimesCSVInterpreter
-> StopTimesTableInterpreter
-> StopTimesLoader;

-> StopsFilePicker
-> StopsTextFileInterpreter
-> StopsCSVInterpreter
-> StopsTableInterpreter
-> StopsLoader;

-> TripsFilePicker
-> TripsTextFileInterpreter
-> TripsCSVInterpreter
-> TripsTableInterpreter
-> TripsLoader;

// 3. As a first step, we download the zip file and interpret it.
block GTFSSampleFeedExtractor oftype HttpExtractor {
url: "";

block ZipArchiveInterpreter oftype ArchiveInterpreter {
archiveType: "zip";

// 4. Next, we pick several csv files (with the file extension ".txt")
// for further processing .
block AgencyFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/agency.txt";

block CalendarDatesFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/calendar_dates.txt";

block CalendarFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/calendar.txt";

block FareAttributesFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/fare_attributes.txt";

block FareRulesFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/fare_rules.txt";

block FrequenciesFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/frequencies.txt";

block RoutesFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/routes.txt";

block ShapesFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/shapes.txt";

block StopTimesFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/stop_times.txt";

block StopsFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/stops.txt";

block TripsFilePicker oftype FilePicker {
path: "/trips.txt";

// 5. The rest of the pipeline follows the usual pattern.
block AgencyTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block CalendarDatesTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block CalendarTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block FareAttributesTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block FareRulesTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block FrequenciesTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block RoutesTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block ShapesTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block StopTimesTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block StopsTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block TripsTextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
block AgencyCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block CalendarDatesCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block CalendarCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block FareAttributesCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block FareRulesCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block FrequenciesCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block RoutesCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block ShapesCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block StopTimesCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block StopsCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }
block TripsCSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter { }

block AgencyTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
"agency_id" oftype text, //Conditional columns are considered as required
"agency_name" oftype text,
"agency_url" oftype text,
"agency_timezone" oftype text

block CalendarDatesTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"service_id" oftype text,
"date" oftype text,
"exception_type" oftype text

block CalendarTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"service_id" oftype text,
"monday" oftype text,
"tuesday" oftype text,
"wednesday" oftype text,
"thursday" oftype text,
"friday" oftype text,
"saturday" oftype text,
"sunday" oftype text,
"start_date" oftype text,
"end_date" oftype text

block FareAttributesTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"fare_id" oftype text,
"price" oftype text,
"currency_type" oftype text,
"payment_method" oftype text,
"transfers" oftype text,
"transfer_duration" oftype text

block FareRulesTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"fare_id" oftype text,
"route_id" oftype text,
"origin_id" oftype text,
"destination_id" oftype text,
"contains_id" oftype text

block FrequenciesTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"trip_id" oftype text,
"start_time" oftype text,
"end_time" oftype text,
"headway_secs" oftype text

block RoutesTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"route_id" oftype text,
"agency_id" oftype text,
"route_short_name" oftype text,
"route_long_name" oftype text,
"route_desc" oftype text,
"route_type" oftype text,
"route_url" oftype text,
"route_color" oftype text,
"route_text_color" oftype text

block ShapesTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"shape_id" oftype text,
"shape_pt_lat" oftype text,
"shape_pt_lon" oftype text,
"shape_pt_sequence" oftype text,
"shape_dist_traveled" oftype text

block StopTimesTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"trip_id" oftype text,
"arrival_time" oftype text,
"departure_time" oftype text,
"stop_id" oftype text,
"stop_sequence" oftype text,
"stop_headsign" oftype text,
"pickup_type" oftype text,
"drop_off_time" oftype text,
"shape_dist_traveled" oftype text

block StopsTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
"stop_id" oftype text,
"stop_name" oftype text,
"stop_desc" oftype text,
"stop_lat" oftype text,
"stop_lon" oftype text,
"zone_id" oftype text,
"stop_url" oftype text

block TripsTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"route_id" oftype text,
"service_id" oftype text,
"trip_id" oftype text,
"trip_headsign" oftype text,
"direction_id" oftype text,
"block_id" oftype text,
"shape_id" oftype text

block AgencyLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "agency";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block CalendarDatesLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "calendar_dates";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block CalendarLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "calendar";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block FareAttributesLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "fare_attributes";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block FareRulesLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "fare_rules";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block FrequenciesLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "frequencies";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block RoutesLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "routes";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block ShapesLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "shapes";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block StopTimesLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "stop_times";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block StopsLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "stops";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";

block TripsLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "trips";
file: "./gtfs.sqlite";