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Version: 0.1.0


// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

// Example 1: LightTrapping
// Learning goals:
// - Understand how to work with XLSX files and workbooks

// 1. This Jayvee model describes a pipeline
// from a XLSX file with multiple Sheets in the web
// to a SQLite file sink.
pipeline LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsPipeline {
// 2. We directly get the xlsx file from the web via the HttpExtractor
// The data is provided under CC BY-SA 4.0
// Saive, Rebecca (2023). Data supporting the publication:
// Light trapping in thin silicon solar cells: a review on fundamentals and technologies.
// 4TU.ResearchData. Dataset.
block LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsExtractor oftype HttpExtractor {
url: "";

// 3. The incoming file is interpreted as a XLSX file and transformed into a Workbook
// Workbooks contain at least 1 Sheet. Every sheet has a unique name.
block LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsTextXLSXInterpreter oftype XLSXInterpreter {


// 4.1 Here, we pick one sheet with the name 'RefractiveIndexSi GaAs' from the Workbook to use within our pipeline.
// The output type from SheetPicker is Sheet, which was already introduced in the cars example
block LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsSheetpicker oftype SheetPicker {
sheetName: 'RefractiveIndexSi GaAs';

block NameHeaderWriter oftype CellWriter {
at: range F1:L1;
write: ["F","G","nm","wl","n2", "k2", "alpha (cm-1)2"];

block LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"Wavelength" oftype integer,
"Wavelength (µm)" oftype decimal,
"n" oftype decimal,
"k" oftype text,
"alpha (cm-1)" oftype text,
"nm" oftype decimal,
"n2" oftype text,
"k2" oftype decimal,
"alpha (cm-1)2" oftype decimal

block LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {
table: "LightTrappingSiliconSolarCells";
file: "./LightTrappingSiliconSolarCells.sqlite";

// 4.2 Here, we pick another sheet named 'Wavelength thickness trapping' from the Workbook
block SecondLightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsSheetpicker oftype SheetPicker {
sheetName: 'Wavelength thickness trapping';

block SecondLightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsTableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter {
header: true;
columns: [
"n" oftype decimal,
"Wavelength (µm)" oftype decimal,

block SecondLightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsLoader oftype SQLiteLoader {

table: "SecondLightTrappingSiliconSolarCells";
file: "./LightTrappingSiliconSolarCells.sqlite";

-> LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsTextXLSXInterpreter
-> LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsSheetpicker
-> NameHeaderWriter
-> LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsTableInterpreter
-> LightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsLoader;

// 5. Once the XLSX file is interpreted, we can split the pipeline and
// work separately on the different sheets from our input file
-> SecondLightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsSheetpicker
-> SecondLightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsTableInterpreter
-> SecondLightTrappingSiliconSolarCellsLoader;